Thursday, March 1, 2012

Preventing Obesity with Good Eating

The type and quantity of food that you eat frequently, and always will be a direct impact on your weight. Anyone who has a habit of eating beyond the needs of calories needed by your body weight will have increased. Get used to always eat a good meal and choosing healthy foods that will be able to prevent the worst consequences of obesity as well as others.

Here are tips for Preventing Obesity with Good Eating

Preventing Obesity with Good Eating
1. Fat and dietary fiber

If you want a healthy diet then you should always eat foods that are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. Monounsaturated fatty acids belong to this class type of fat found in many types of food and oil. The study results have shown that by eating foods rich in monounsaturated fats on a regular basis can reduce blood cholesterol levels, and the results will of course reduce the risk of heart disease. Monounsaturated fatty acids can be found in olive oil, some nuts, avocados, and canola are also included. While omega-3 fatty acids can be found in oily fish.

But an important note that you must take is, always watching the fat content of every food you will consume. And the best advice is you should not consume more than 60 grams of fat per day.

2. Fruit and vegetables

You probably already know that fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamin and mineral. Fruits and vegetables can make us feel fuller for longer without having to enter a lot of calories. Consumption of the most frequently recommended by experts is three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit each day you should eat: about 600 grams.

3. Five times per day

For reasons of health and well efektifas reason, we encourage you to share or distribute your calorie intake in some parts, or to five per day. Spread is 25% for your breakfast and your dinner (500 kcal), while 30% are for your lunch (600 kcal) and the remaining 10% to your snacks in the two times (200 kcal).

4. Chew completely

So that you can find the right amount of food, of course you need to recognize when your stomach feel full. Therefore, you have to devote more time to eat. Chew food well and a bit long (about 20 times chewing each mouthful), take a pause for a better feel if you are full.

you might be interested in this article  Healthy Diet Tips


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