Thursday, August 9, 2012

4 Types of Foods Required for Pregnant Women

A habit that often occurs in the majority of pregnant women are two times more food than usual. They all assume that if you run the diet will be able to make the baby grow and thrive better. The correct view is not to increase the number or amount of food, but that needs to be added are the nutrients of the food consumed.

As I was entering the gestational age or younger when the first trimester of pregnancy, your body will usually be more efficient in energy use. Actually, pregnant women do not actually need extra calories into her pregnancy when the first half of pregnancy. But if it is more than that or is stepped on the seventh month onwards, it would require an additional 200 extra calories per day. While the number or amount of food needed by pregnant women depending on the mother's weight before pregnancy, congenital disease earlier and also suffered regular physical activity.

4 Types of Foods Required for Pregnant Women
So what kind of food must be consumed when a woman is entering the age of pregnancy? Here are 4 Types of Foods Required for Pregnant Women as quoted from the Health Me Up:

1. Fruit and vegetables
Pregnant women should better maintain the health of themselves and the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women are encouraged to consume more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Highly recommended to eat fruits and green vegetables are still fresh. However, if you can not or hard to find that it is fresh it is advisable to buy it in a state that is dry or frozen, canned, or juice that has been shaped to meet the minimum 5 servings per day.

2. Carbohydrate foods
Foods that contain a high enough karbohirat source of energy is very important that pregnant mothers can lead a normal daily activities. Never ever to get rid of carbohydrates from the diet. Stick to always eat rice, bread, potatoes and several kinds of pasta, but try to choose which is made from whole wheat to make it healthier.

3. Protein foods
Protein is a substance that is needed for growth and development of the fetus in the womb. A good source of protein for the body or for pregnant women can be obtained from animals (such as chicken, fish meat, and eggs) but can also be obtained from vegetable oils (such as soybeans, almonds and red beans). Eat two servings of fish a little apling a week regularly during pregnancy, including fish oils contain a lot like salmon and tuna

4. Dairy products
Everyone already knows that the best source of nutrients and the most complete for newborns is breast milk. Breast milk production in order to be successful, the diligent and pregnant women should regularly consume dairy products are rich in calcium, such as milk produced from cows, including cheese and yoghurt.

If you want to get more other interesting things related to health and beauty may be you can choose one of the following article or articles under this  Macrobiotic Diets Madonna Secret Keep


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