Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cancer and Healthy Eating

A report commissioned by the British World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research (1997) states that of all cases of cancer, about 30-40% it can be prevented through diet or a balanced diet. Balanced eating habits or certain elements in our diet program proven to prevent or affect the development of cancer cells.
And because of this, they recommend following a few important things:

All about of Cancer and Healthy Eating

Cancer and Healthy Eating
Avoid certain foods and eating habits can promote cancer:
- Should avoid obesity with physical activity diligent manner.
- Do not eat too much fat or reduce fat intake to a maximum of 30% of total calories per day. Especially limit intake of fats derived from animal flesh.
- Do not be too much or eating less meat to 100 grams per day on a regular basis. If forced to, replace it with white meat (like chicken) instead of red meat group.
- Reduce the consumption of food is too salty
- Stop smoking immediately.
- Do not eat meat or grilled fish that have been burned up or been scorched black.
- Gradually reduce the consumption of cheese.

Obesity or excessive weight are always closely related to almost all types of cancer, except lung cancer. That is why it is recommended that you always keep the ideal weight by reducing fat intake significantly secra daily.

In the studies described is apparently contrary to popular belief that there is today, namely in the report did not reveal any evidence of food additives (such as synthetic food colorings and flavorings that are usually present in food packaging) are also pesticide residues that can trigger cell growth or cancer, provided that all such substances do not exceed established standards.

Recommends the following tips to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables in your diet program:

- Always use fresh fruit in making puddings and other desserts on the menu
- Drink juice or fruit or vegetable drink that comes from 100%, instead of soft drinks in containers
- Always maintain the availability of fruit on the table and the refrigerator in order to serve as a snack
- Try one of the menu vegetarian dishes in a week to make it healthier
- Bring a fresh fruit or dried fruit as a snack on the go, not always bring a cake or candy
- Change is always menu-based foods and vegetables with this type of variation in other vegetable dishes.

you might be interested in this article  12 Most Healthy Menu


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