Saturday, March 3, 2012

Benefits of Chocolate for Health

Chocolate as we know it as one of the food is very popular with all ages and all levels of the caste in the community was already known and is known for a long time even been known long before the modern era now. Even more astonishing was chocolate has been known since the beginning of the civilization of the Aztecs and the Maya civilization in Mexico. Both of these ancient tribes have made chocolate as part of their belief that chocolate is a food of the gods who sent or the grace of god of Agriculture who was sent from heaven.

Benefits of Chocolate for Health
Chocolate is one of the types of foods that are not classified as perishable foods, as in chocolate is known to have a lot of substances known as polyphenols as much as 6% of the total weight of the chocolate, and similar substances are substances that have a primary function as an antioxidant that can prevent and cope with rapid state of stale chocolate.

Unprocessed cocoa beans turned out to contain a substance that is relatively abundant alkanoid, where the substance is a substance that causes a bitter taste of chocolate. In addition to these substances, cocoa beans also contain lots of protein with a range of 9%, while for as much as 14% carbohydrate, and fat reached 31%.

Lots of people assume that if too often eat chocolate candy chocolate and other preparations can cause some damage to teeth or tooth loss experience and also can lead to obesity in some people. But a surprising study conducted by researchers from Harvard University says otherwise, the scientists say that if we frequent and regular physical activity or exercise enough and eat a well balanced diet, then we can obtain a benefit pretty awesome than chocolate without having to worry about the risk of tooth loss or even obesity.

Benefits of Chocolate for Health

Once we mengeketahui a fairly complete information about a variety of processed chocolate continues to experience growth, we also need to be more aware about all the benefits of chocolate.

Here is a brief explanation of some chocolate for health benefits:
- Brown and all other dairy products can capture and free radicals from the body. Tremendous benefits of chocolate are obtained due to the high content of antioxidants in chocolate (3 x more than green tea).
- Chocolate can significantly reduce and control cholesterol in the blood.
- Chocolate can also prevent a person has heart disease and also miraculous types of cancer.
- Brown on some people also can help prevent high blood pressure and stroke.

you might be interested in this article  Preventing Obesity with Good Eating


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