Turns out the guava contains more vitamin C up to 2x more than the content of Vitamin C found in oranges. With the amount of vitamin C are very abundant, it is not surprising if one of the benefits of guavas, of course, can boost immunity.
Guava is also known to contain lots of lycopene, which is relatively abundant. Substances Lycopene is one of the substances which have a function as an antioxidant to protect and keep the body from various cancers.
Here's another Benefits of Guava along with some recipes the presentation as follows:
- Guava is a fruit that can strengthen the heart, as well as anticancer, and also can facilitate the body's digestive system. Make juice from its main ingredient is the guava, apple, and melon. Then the third mixed fruit in a container and give an additional approximately 100 cc of pure honey or to taste it. Then blend until smooth and drink every morning and evening routine.
- Guava is also efficacious as a panacea ulcer drug. Provide as much as 8 pieces of guava leaves are still fresh. Do not forget to wash it first to clean and boiled water use by about 1.5 liter. Drinking boiled water is 3 times a day regularly.
- Guava can also to treat dysentery. Take the roots and leaves of guava in moderation. Then cut or chopped into small pieces, wash until completely clean, and boil and boil until cooked. Drinking boiled water is routinely until no more complaints that you feel.
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