Monday, March 19, 2012

Other properties of the Oranges

So far, more commonly known as lime content or have lots of vitamin C in it. But actually it turned out to have the fruit of other essential nutrients that have a very good function for the body or to health such as carbohydrates and calcium, potassium, folate substances and substances of thiamin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus, niacin, copper, pantothenic acid, and there are many more other useful substances.

Other properties of the Oranges
Citrus fruits are known not to have the least fat or cholesterol and sodium content in it. Because it contains very little lime in the form of simple carbohydrates is still a matter of glucose, sucrose, fructose and also substance. So it is very safe to be consumed by someone who is experiencing or have problems with weight.

Other benefits can be obtained and these are obtained from oranges can also help slow down the emptying of the stomach, because the orange shown to contain a substance similar non-starch polysaccharides which are usually known as dietary fiber. That is why the orange can slow down or maintain satiety longer. Besides oranges can also lower blood cholesterol levels significantly.

To meet and maintain the necessary dietary fiber needs for the body, you can consume a minimum of 1 orange per day on a regular basis. Because each citrus fruit that has a medium-size or would have contained approximately 3.0 g of dietary fiber.

Other properties of the Oranges

Orange but has some very important functions or benefits as described above, it turns orange still has some function or other properties as follows:

- Sari oranges or orange juice that has been created to help cure or alleviate fever, as well as hemorrhoids and also can help reduce and eliminate the excess acid in the blood and urine can also facilitate and several other properties.

- Orange has the function or can be used also as a medicine to treat bronchitis, certain types of asthma, colds in the elderly and children, and can also be used to treat disorders of the digestive process.

- The skin orange if further processing can also help soften the skin and remove dark spots or stains on the skin.

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