Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why Choose Organic Foods?

Before the industrialization of agriculture is widely known by the farmers, they are using natural fertilizers and pesticides for rules out some types of pests. And genetically modified crops have not been known previously as well as now. But now, almost all or most of the food we consume daily is produced with artificial fertilizers and pesticides produced by plants. Even worse still is some kind of fruits and certain vegetables may also be genetically modified without us knowing it had been, or entering our dining table.

The benefits of organic foods
Fortunately it did not last long, because it has been these last few years the awareness of organic foods to everyone starting to grow or have started to increase. Although no statistics that could indicate the exact number, but we can be sure that the growing consumption of organic products in some countries such as Canada and the United States has increased.

Why Choose Organic Foods?

The question above is of course very concerned with the definition of organic food that was one of the food produced from organic farming systems, namely a system or method of production that is based on the principles that have an intention to:
- Protect the environment from pollution or toxic waste
- Preserve and protect biodiversity
- Respect and can better maintain the natural cycles

The term "organic" itself actually refers to the way or how an agricultural product grown and processed. And special equipment requirements must be met and maintained so that a product can be labeled or can be a predicate as a product "organic".

Organically managed crops should be kept or raised on land that is safe, not specifically modified or genetically altered and should be kept separate from conventional product. And of course the farmers involved are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides of any kind, including organisms produced from genetically modified (GMO) as well as artificial fertilizers.

Likewise with animals or who want to have the title as the course of organic livestock must have access to the outdoors and are always well fed from organic results. The animals should also not be given certain types of antibiotics including growth hormone or other animal byproducts.

In order to get the organic label, a processed food product must contain at least 95% certified organic ingredients.

The benefits of organic foods
More nutritious. Some studies show that organic fruits and vegetables (eg, rice, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and lettuce organic) contains more nutrients such as vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and iron. Organic milk contains more vitamin E.
Healthier. Organic foods are not created using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals that do not harm the human body. 50-80% of organic milk has more antioxidants that reduce the risk of tumors.
Better. Many people feel that organic food is tastier than non-organic food. The main reason for the food produced by means of natural production. Organic foods are also often sold locally so it is still fresh.
Environmental Sustainability. Protecting the environment from the pollution of land, water and air so as to create a safer world for future generations of life.
Animal Welfare. Animal welfare is an important aspect in the production of milk, meat, organic chicken and fish. People feel like eating products of animal suffering is not confined in a cage.

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