Friday, August 10, 2012

4 Foods That Make The Smart Brain!

If you include people who have very solid activity, then of course you have to set the correct diet and appropriate to your situation. There are several daily food guide is pretty good and could prove to make the brain work optimally. Because if an unbalanced food intake into your body, it can make your body become limp and decreased perception!

Actually there are many foods we commonly consume daily. But the nutrients, vitamins and the maximum effect will be more optimal for the body and when combined with other foods.
Let us check out the 4 Foods That Make The Smart Brain and more!

4 Foods That Make The Smart Brain
1. Cauliflower and Peanuts
According to the study and research by McLean Hospital for many years, turned out to consume the nutrients in its chemical name as much as 500mg per day citicoline may improve and maintain mental ability as well as more optimal concentration. Than can be obtained from supplements, citicoline was also generated from the cauliflower and beans are known to contain many coline that the process will then be turned into citicoline in the brain.

2. Broccoli, Sprouts and Spinach
Eating a wide variety of green vegetables and fresh is good for health. Harvard Medical School has conducted research and investigations over the past 25 years to approximately 13 000 female participants, and from the results of these studies the Harvard Medical School found that participants who ate more vegetables proved to have the sharpest memory. So it can be concluded, that there is no harm if we are diligent to eat vegetables!

3. Cereal and Orange Juice
Whole grain cereals are often the primary choice for some people to serve breakfast before starting the move. But many people do not know that the cereal is mixed with orange juice it can make the maximum nutritional benefit. Because they contain folic acid which is relatively abundant and can make your memory sharper and more optimal.

4. Berry and Fruit Wines
When compared with other types of fruit to another, turns the incoming class of berry fruits like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries contain more antioxidants and have the highest antioxidant content. In the fruit group also contained a similar substance antocyanin that serves to protect brain cells and can sharpen your memory. But you need to remember that the fruit wine was also good for brain development because it contains flavonoids.

If you want to get more other interesting things related to health and beauty may be you can choose one of the following article or articles under this  What You Should Know About Fat


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