Sunday, August 19, 2012

Healthy Food for Young Pregnant Women

When a woman is pregnant for the first time, will sometimes have difficulty determining the appropriate Healthy food for themselves. Body condition is often nausea when eating primary cause difficulties when choosing the food menu, but the essential nutrients for growth and health of the fetus must be maintained. When entering the womb of a young age or during the first trimester of pregnancy is a very vulnerable time, make sure all the list of essential nutrients to the fetus remains unfulfilled as well.

Healthy Food for Young Pregnant Women

this is closely related to gestational age are still very young, with age in the first three months of pregnancy in general is a very vulnerable time for the growth and health of the fetus. Nutrients are absorbed into the body and also determine the development and health of the fetus in the womb.

Here are some of the options list of Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women Young as additional nutrition is very important to you.

1. Nuts
Some types of nuts are very good to meet nutritional needs during pregnancy such as Chickpeas, mung beans and soy beans can even be a source of natural fiber is highly recommended for fetal growth. Some essential nutrients such as protein, iron and folate, calcium, and zinc is a mineral needed for growth and development of the fetus when entering the first 3 months.

2. Meat
If you are one of those people who avoid eating meat or do not like it, then start now you should be able to intersperse your diet with a little menu of meat-based foods. Meat is still a source of animal protein is very good for growth and health of the fetus, as vitamin B12, B6, and niacin in it. In addition, in the flesh also contains a substance called colin is good to help the growth and development of the fetal brain as well as some cognitive functions. You can create a menu of processed meat combined with pasta sauce, or in burger.

3. Berries
Included in the family fruit berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) is one of the excellent food to be consumed every day, it can also be Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women. All the fruits of many classes of berries contain vitamin C, potassium, folate, fiber, and antioxidants are also quite high. Even phytonutrien substances contained in the berries are beneficial nutrients to maintain body cells and also the mother of the baby from harm.

4. Broccoli
Why should the broccoli? Because broccoli is one of the many green vegetables contain folate (very good for fetal brain development), fiber, calcium, lutein, zeaxanthin, carotenoids, and also a good agent to assist in the development of vision in the fetus. Potassium is also part of the nutrients that can help your blood pressure under normal conditions. Serve broccoli as an accompanying menu or as a snack with an additional menu cooked with olive oil.

5. Yogurt
If you have allergies when drinking milk or feel pain during pregnancy, then you can replace it by trying to eat yogurt. Because in a glass of yogurt contains a lot of protein, calcium, vitamin B and zinc. Even the content of calcium in yogurt is higher than the milk. If you include people who do not like to eat yogurt, then you can try to add a piece of fruit, bananas, berries, dates, or some other dried fruits. Assorted fruit mixed with yogurt is also very good for making smoothies.

Well that's Healthy Meals for young pregnant women are good for your consumption and is highly recommended that the content you're healthy and your baby grow and develop properly.

If you want to find the best info is interesting and helpful, maybe you could read the following article 6 Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women


Dipti said...

It is very important for a pregnant women to eat healthy to keep proper Baby Growth and Development ..thanks for sharing this post.

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