Friday, February 17, 2012

Nutrition is important for pregnant women

A woman who is pregnant will surely require more food than women who are not pregnant. Because in addition to his own purposes, pregnant women should eat nutritious food to the fetus in her womb.
In order for the fetus to develop properly, so pregnant women should always eat foods that meet nutritional requirements as follows:

For women who are pregnant, adequate intake of calories in the body must be increased 300-400 kcal per day during pregnancy. Additional calories will be better if obtained from various sources in accordance with a healthy diet. Ideally, as much as 55% of calories come from the kinds of tubers, while 35% are derived from vegetable and animal fats, and the remaining 10% comes from protein and other residues derived from vegetables and fruits as well.

Nutrition is important for pregnant women
Here is Nutrition is important for pregnant women

Folic Acid.
For several weeks before and after in early pregnancy, the embryo fetus requires adequate intake of folic acid a lot to help the formation of the nervous system and other vital cells. Folic acid in the medical language commonly referred to as vitamin B9 are found mainly in brown rice, green vegetables and also various kinds of fruit.

Protein is needed by the body because it serves for the formation of cells and blood. Pregnant mothers need much protein, at least 60 grams per day or 10 grams more than the normal state. And proteian can be obtained from any type of meat, fish, egg whites, various types of beans, tofu and tempeh.

Regularly consume 1000 mg calcium / day is required to maintain the growth of bones and teeth and the formation of the nervous system.

Vitamin A.
Vitamin A has a primary function as the custodian of the health of skin, can also keep your eye function and may also help bone growth.

Iron should be consumed more than usual for pregnant women because a lot is required for the formation of blood. Iron deficiency is continuously going to result in anemia.

Vitamin C.
Vitamin C has the function to allow the absorption of iron by the body more easily.

Vitamin D.
Vitamin D serves as a substance that helps the process of bone formation because vitamin D helps calcium absorption.

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